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Home » Products » Design and Enginering System » Adix

Adix equipment is designed to protect against deflagrations and explosions of organic and metallic dust. When deflagration/explosion has been unavoidable, whether by natural causes, spontaneously or otherwise, reliance on protective equipment is key to the safety of our workers and facilities.

Domed Vent Panel [BCD]

Our BDC vent panel are designed to open quickly at a preset pressure. They are designd to work in depression and pulsating pressure.

Trapezoidal Vent Panel – [BTP]

Trapezoidal panels are designed to fit in conical surfaces, such as silo roof, with low resistance.

Active Explosion Isolation System ExPINCH

The Insulation System ExPinch is capable of isolating an explosion inside an equipment.

Explosion Isolation Flap Valve – NOVEx

The Explosion Isolation Flap Valve remains normally open during normal flow. In case of explosion, the excess pressure is produced. This excess pressure closes the flap, isolating and protecting the rest of the equipment.

Explosion Vent Panels Circular [BCP]

Vent panels release the explosion overpressure in closed containers, thus preventing the design resistance of the equipment from being exceeded.