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Estabilished in 2010, PT. Mytech Engineering is a company that is specialized in engineering design systems which is focus on pollution control, explosion protection, HVAC System, and pneumatic conveying system.

We provide solution to the existing problems in industry and manufacture related to:

- Pollutant of a production process in a plant such as contaiment dust, fume and mist.

- Provide the electrical energy savings solution to the industry 

- Manufacture, mainly related to electrical mtors.

- Provide HVAC ventilating System

- Provide Explosion Protection Equipment from Explosion Hazard

- Provide solution for conveying system

- Provide maintenance & services


Our Customer Segmentations :

- Automotive                           - Food and beverage

- Cement                                - Feedmill

- Flavour                                 - Cosmetic

- Alumunium                          - Paint Powder

- Fiber                                     - Petrochemicals

- Plastic                                   - Pharamaceutical

- Steel Foundry                      - Chemical

- Tyre

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Torit PowerCore CP Series Dust Collerctors

Fusce et arcu volutpat, semper nibh et, aliquam lacus. Sed dui metus, tincidunt a gravida et, pharetra eget mauris. Phasellus porta nisi vel consequat sagittis. Proin eu velit eget risus vehicula condimentum. Praesent ornare diam vel libero varius egestas

Torit PowerCore TG Series Dust Collerctors

Fusce et arcu volutpat, semper nibh et, aliquam lacus. Sed dui metus, tincidunt a gravida et, pharetra eget mauris. Phasellus porta nisi vel consequat sagittis. Proin eu velit eget risus vehicula condimentum. Praesent ornare diam vel libero varius egestas

FAIRFORD MOTOR CONTROLLER for soft starter & efficient energy

FAIRFORD MOTOR CONTROLLER for soft starter & efficient energy • Reduce 40% electricity power consumption • Reduce maintenance cost and labor cost • Extended Motor Life • Improvement power factor and reduce reactive power • Reduce high staring motor

Lighting controller

SAVE IT EASY Lighting controller: • Energy Saving 30 – 50% • Improvement power factor • Instant star-up without flickering • Quite operation • Lower THD (total harmonics distortion)

Domed Vent Panel [BCD]

Our BDC vent panel are designed to open quickly at a preset pressure. They are designd to work in depression and pulsating pressure.

Explosion Isolation Flap Valve – NOVEx

The Explosion Isolation Flap Valve remains normally open during normal flow. In case of explosion, the excess pressure is produced. This excess pressure closes the flap, isolating and protecting the rest of the equipment.

Flameless Explosion Venting

Device for explosion protection based on the liberation of explosion overpressure and flame cooling, reducing the effect of an explosion in closed volumes installed inside buildings.


Our team of engineers are fully trained and equipped to conduct an inspection of your plants and identify the potential problem’s for the pollution and inefficiency energy.

Introduction and Presentation of Air Pollution and Solutions

Air pollution is the presence of unwanted impurities or an abnormal increase in the proportion of some elements on the atmosphere. It is a damaging condition for the environment. The elements can come from different sources like biological, chemical, or physical substances. Human can be all of those three sources at one. Air pollution is causing damages to the environment which is harmful for the existing ecosystem around. Other side effect from air pollution is that it can slowly damage property and may resulting in permanent damage. We are here to help on dealing with air pollution related problems, by providing solutions that can help in sustaining the damage caused by air pollution. The best effort will be provided from us because customer satisfaction is our main priority.

Problems Assessment and Identification

From our research through teamwork process, we will collect every valid and relevant data related to the problem that occurs. The steps of data collection will go through from all problems and aspects then the best solution will be given from our determined team.

Solutions from Engineering Systems Design

Design engineering system is a method in dealing with design, integrate, and manage the complexity of a system. We define an engineered system as a combination of components that work in synergy to collectively perform a useful function to create an appropriate design. The combination of research, investigation, and identification. Our team will create the most accurate solution and implement it on the case to help solve every existing problem.


  • PT. Mytech Teknik layanan kami dengan pengiriman yang tepat waktu dan disediakan barang-barang kami butuhkan dengan kualitas nomor satu. Mengurus semua orang kinerja Anda .. dan terus bergerak maju
    Ida Suryani – Account Manager PT. ASABA
  • Thank you for support and good coordination so far. Recommended solution!!!
    Heri Nugroho – Maintenance Division PT. Sanggar Sarana Baja.
  • We are a solid team. Together we make our dream come true.. Go PT. Mytech Engineering. We wish you conquer this business ….
    Yudith Ratu – Business Development PT. GISTEC PRIMA.
  • I know Meinar as a good friend, she has the professional manner in dealing with every aspect of her responsibility. I am sure that she would be a great working partner to any organization that is lucky enough to be in touch with her…
    Lukas S – Vice President Human Resource, ASTON Management Hotel
  • In my opinion, products of PT. Mytech Engineering certified by good quality which supported by worldwide company. I can see PT. Mytech Engineering Management is very proffesional how to accept our invitation and solve some inquiry. Hope, in shortly, we will be able being partnership.
    Wisnu Budiman – Sales Director PT. INDOPACIFIC
  • Founder PT. Mytech Engineering, Meinar Kartika Sari adalah sosok yang smart, cantik dan memiliki semangat pantang menyerah dalam melakukan terobosan dalam bidang usaha.
    Saya mengenal beliau dalam waktu yang cukup lama dan sangat apresiasi terhadap apa yang telah dicapai beliau hingga saat ini.
    Selamat dan sukses selalu buat PT. Mytech Engineering
    Mohammad Revino – Director Civil Contractor Company
  • PT. Mytech Engineering (MTE) is a very professional company. So far I knew, MTE always loyal to his principal and serve us with their original brands. Another plus value, their boss very pretty. Over all, we can say MTE is reliable company you can trust. I never doubt on them and very satisfy.
    Edwin Wicaksono – FIA UACJ Indal Aluminum Surabaya