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  • Ida Suryani – Account Manager PT. ASABA
    PT. Mytech Teknik layanan kami dengan pengiriman yang tepat waktu dan disediakan barang-barang kami butuhkan dengan kualitas nomor satu. Mengurus semua orang kinerja Anda .. dan terus bergerak maju
  • Heri Nugroho – Maintenance Division PT. Sanggar Sarana Baja.
    Thank you for support and good coordination so far. Recommended solution!!!
  • Yudith Ratu – Business Development PT. GISTEC PRIMA.
    We are a solid team. Together we make our dream come true.. Go PT. Mytech Engineering. We wish you conquer this business ….
  • Lukas S – Vice President Human Resource, ASTON Management Hotel
    I know Meinar as a good friend, she has the professional manner in dealing with every aspect of her responsibility. I am sure that she would be a great working partner to any organization that is lucky enough to be in touch with her…
  • Wisnu Budiman – Sales Director PT. INDOPACIFIC
    In my opinion, products of PT. Mytech Engineering certified by good quality which supported by worldwide company. I can see PT. Mytech Engineering Management is very proffesional how to accept our invitation and solve some inquiry. Hope, in shortly, we will be able being partnership.
  • Mohammad Revino – Director Civil Contractor Company
    Founder PT. Mytech Engineering, Meinar Kartika Sari adalah sosok yang smart, cantik dan memiliki semangat pantang menyerah dalam melakukan terobosan dalam bidang usaha.
    Saya mengenal beliau dalam waktu yang cukup lama dan sangat apresiasi terhadap apa yang telah dicapai beliau hingga saat ini.
    Selamat dan sukses selalu buat PT. Mytech Engineering
  • Edwin Wicaksono – FIA UACJ Indal Aluminum Surabaya
    PT. Mytech Engineering (MTE) is a very professional company. So far I knew, MTE always loyal to his principal and serve us with their original brands. Another plus value, their boss very pretty. Over all, we can say MTE is reliable company you can trust. I never doubt on them and very satisfy.